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Events and News


News | 04 May 2022

Support for Ukraine

GS OSES (UR) Emergency Programme for Ukrainian PhD Researchers and Early Career Researchers at the University of Regensburg

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News | 20 March 2024

Programme: Summer Term 2024

We are looking forward to meeting you at our events!

You can find the full programme here.

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News | 04 April 2024

Jeremias Schmidt - next PhD accomplished

The dissertation "Vergessene Fronten? Die Ostfront des Ersten Weltkrieges im Spiegel von Kriegserfahrungen und Kriegserinnerungen bayerischer Soldaten" by Jeremias Schmidt has just been published with…

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News | 30 April 2024

Daniel Schrader - PhD accomplished

We warmly congratulate Daniel Schrader on the successful completion of his dissertation "Revolution und Repräsentation. Sprachen, Regeln und Bedeutung politischen Wettbewerbs in Samara, Saratov und…

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Event | 04 July 2024

State "Responsibilization" as a Tool of US Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: The Case of Small States

Jan Hornát (Prague)

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Spot On: Die vergessene Front

Our doctoral candidate Jeremias Schmid (Historian) introduces himself and his research project in 3 minutes!

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Ulf Brunnbauer & Klaus Buchenau

Geschichte Südosteuropas

zweite, aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage

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Walter Koschmal wirkte als Ukraine-Experte an dieser Podcast-Folge des Deutschlandfunks mit, unbedingt reinhören.

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Veronika Wald

Valenzstrukturen der russischen Verben bei russisch-deutsch Bilingualen in Deutschland

Die vorliegende Studie bietet eine Reihe von methodischen und inhaltlichen Anknüpfungspunkten für die Untersuchung der Valenzstrukturen der russischen Verben in der Sprache der russisch-deutschen Bilingualen in Deutschland an.

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Spot On: Refugees in Slovakia

Our doctoral candidate Eva-Maria Walter (Anthropologist) introduces herself and her research project in 3 minutes!

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Mirja Lecke & Efraim Sicher

Cosmopolitan Spaces in Odesa: A Case Study of an Urban Context

A Case Study of an Urban Context is the first book to explore Odesa’s cosmopolitan spaces in an urban context from the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries.

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Meet the Fellow

Dr. Aleksander Bikbov (Sociologist, Paris) talks about his experience as Visiting Fellow of the GS OSES at University of Regensburg in 2022.

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Klaus Buchenau

From Grand Estates to Grand Corruption

The battle over the possessions of Prince Albert of Thurn and Taxis in interwar Yugoslavia.

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Meet the Fellow

Prof. Dr. Anna Mazurkiewicz (Historian, Gdansk) talks about her experience as Visiting Fellow of the GS OSES at University of Regensburg in 2022.

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Spot On: Falsche Zaren

Our doctoral candidate Daniela Mathuber (Historian) introduces herselve and her research projects in 3 minutes!

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Katrin Boeckh

Back to the USSR

Russlands sowjetische Vergangenheit

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Spot On: Der Fluss als Grenze

Our doctoral candidate Frederik Lange (Historian) introduces himself and his research project in 3 minutes!

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