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Events and News


News | 04 May 2022

Support for Ukraine

GS OSES (UR) Emergency Programme for Ukrainian PhD Researchers and Early Career Researchers at the University of Regensburg

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News | 31 July 2024

Olha Martyniuk - PhD accomplished

Congratulations! Today, Olha Martyniuk successfully defended her dissertation. Olha, we wish you all the best for your future!

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News | 09 October 2024

Programme: Winter Term 2024/25

We are looking forward to meeting you at our events!

You can find the full programme here.

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Event | 17 October 2024

Spitting on the Streets of Grosny. Culturedness and Social Distinction in a Multinational Soviet City

Walter Sperling (Bonn/Berlin)

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Event | 21 November 2024

Approaching Southeastern Europe from Brussels: Migration Policies as Security and Stability Instruments for the EU

Ruth Ferrero-Turrión (Madrid)

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Event | 30 January 2025

Socialist Modernist Worldmaking: Yugoslav Interventions in the International Humanitarian Debates in the 1970s

Čarna Brković (Mainz)

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Event | 06 February 2025

Speaking Hebrew in the Russian Empire: Uri Nissan Gnessin's Poetics of Literary Dubbing

Natasha Gordinsky (Haifa)

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Spot On: Die vergessene Front

Our doctoral candidate Jeremias Schmid (Historian) introduces himself and his research project in 3 minutes!

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Veronika Wald

Valenzstrukturen der russischen Verben bei russisch-deutsch Bilingualen in Deutschland

Die vorliegende Studie bietet eine Reihe von methodischen und inhaltlichen Anknüpfungspunkten für die Untersuchung der Valenzstrukturen der russischen Verben in der Sprache der russisch-deutschen Bilingualen in Deutschland an.

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Spot On: Refugees in Slovakia

Our doctoral candidate Eva-Maria Walter (Anthropologist) introduces herself and her research project in 3 minutes!

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Meet the Fellow

Dr. Aleksander Bikbov (Sociologist, Paris) talks about his experience as Visiting Fellow of the GS OSES at University of Regensburg in 2022.

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Eva-Maria Walther

Refugee Support and Moral Practice in Slovakia

This ethnography accompanies people who support refugees in Slovakia—outlining the personal and political dilemmas that complicate refugee care in Central Eastern Europe and beyond.

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Meet the Fellow

Prof. Dr. Anna Mazurkiewicz (Historian, Gdansk) talks about her experience as Visiting Fellow of the GS OSES at University of Regensburg in 2022.

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Spot On: Falsche Zaren

Our doctoral candidate Daniela Mathuber (Historian) introduces herselve and her research projects in 3 minutes!

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Spot On: Der Fluss als Grenze

Our doctoral candidate Frederik Lange (Historian) introduces himself and his research project in 3 minutes!

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